Russian Traditional Wedding

Different country has different culture and custom. The traditional wedding in Russia, you have to get through several processes before you held traditional wedding ceremony. Russian people have different traditional wedding from other countries such as US, Canada, Mexico, or European countries. What are those traditions? Let’s take a look.

Russian Traditional Wedding

  1. Ransom for the Bride - In Russia, the groom must come to the bride with his close friends, and pay some ransom for the bride’s friends. It is usually a time for the joke, and they will say a joke towards each other. After that, they will go for the marriage registration, with neighbors and kids sprinkle them with coins and rice.
  2. Orthodox marriage ceremony - This is usually done by the couple with background of Christian Orthodox. The ceremony will be held in all orthodox traditions, and will take about 30 to 120 minutes of ceremony.
  3. Civil ceremony - This kind of wedding is held in public service department. The couple will be welcomed by bread and slat from the guests. The ceremony only takes 15 minutes.
  4. Rides and Places - After the ceremony, the couple with their friends will take a journey to see some historical spots in the city.
  5. The Reception - The wedding reception of Russian people will be held for two days at the least. There will be feast, dance, music, and so on.