These are some of the most mind-blowing facts about the brain. After reading these interesting facts you can store them in your brain and try and sound smart when you’re trying to impress someone. Check these amazing facts out!
Differences Between the Right and the Left Brain
The brain is split into two hemispheres. ft brain favors more rational, analytical thinking, while the right is more visually and conceptually oriented. Even if you loose one side of your brain you will survive.
Brain Feels No Pain
There are no pain receptors in the brain, so the brain can feel no pain. That is the reason why brain surgeries are performes on a patient that is still awake. In the way the surgent can check vision or motor functions.
There are 100,000 Miles of Bloof Vessels in the Brain
There are a hundred billion neurons that turn on the brain. Another interesting fact is that the brain produces between 10-23 watts of power when awake, what is enough to light a bulb.
They perserved Einsten’s Brain
One of the biggest scientific minds ought to be studied. After Einsten died r. Thomas Harvey performed the brainectomy. Some years after the brain vanished and was found in 1978 in the possesion of Dr. Harvey who had still had the brain but sliced in 240 pieced for research.
Men’s Brain is Bigger
Even though men’s brains are 10% bigger than women’s, women’s brains have more nerve cells and connectors and work more efficiently. Women’s brains work more on the emotional side while men’s work on the logical side.
“Inception” is real
In case you didn’t know there is something called Lucis Dreaming.It is the ability to become aware while you’re dreaming, to consciously “wake up” inside the dream world and control your dreams. The movie Inception had popularized lucid dreaming. It is something that can be thought, there are a lot of online resources that can help you learn.
Does Brain Size Matter?
Are brain size and intelligence connectd. An average brain size is 1400 grams, while Einstein’s brain weighed 1230 grams. The amount of glial cells is what determined how intelligent a person is. However, another study has shown that the bigger your head is, the smarter you are. People with pointier heads are thought to be less intelligent! Do you believe this?