Watch and Enjoy the London Olympics 2012

On the 27th of July, the torch will be lighted which signifies the opening of the London Olympics 2012. People in different parts of the world are waiting for it with great excitement and anticipation since much will be seen especially the place where the actual ceremony will be held in the next few weeks. There are various reasons why athletes and leaders who would be present on that event should look forward to this event with smile, and gladness. Here are the 10 reasons why one should watch and enjoy the London Olympics 2012.

The Opening of the Building

Amidst the controversies of the total cost of the venue of the London Olympics 2012, people are much excited to see the outcome of the preparation that the hosting city and country has made. It represents the fruits and dedication of the people in London. Imagine that they have laid out the blue print for the stadium along with the years of labor so that the world would witness the pride that London has for this year’s much awaited event.

Madonna’s greatest comeback
Watch and Enjoy the London Olympics 2012

Madonna will make a better comeback this time on the right venue, and channel at London’s Hyde Park that will happen on July 17, 2012. She would also be present at Murrayfield on July 21, 2012 in Ediburgh which would also be her first ever show in Scotland.

Digital Art Exhibitions
Watch and Enjoy the London Olympics 2012

This is much anticipated event as well wherein one of the featured exhibitions is the virtual exhibitions that will be headed by Kurt Hentschläger. This would be part of the displays that can be seen as well at the Iron Bridge George Museums that would last on September 30, 2012.

Yoko Ono’s Work Exhibition
Watch and Enjoy the London Olympics 2012

This will take place on June 19 to September 09 2012 at the Serpentine Gallery. Another exciting part in the gallery is the newly designed wing which was made by Zaha Hadid which would also serve as the christening of the Serptentine Sackler Gallery.

The Presence of Damon Albarn
Watch and Enjoy the London Olympics 2012

To all the fans and followers of Damon Albarn, this is your opportunity to see him perform live. In fact, he is expected to be part of the conclusion of the program during the ceremony. Take advantage of the chance to see him and person to be part of this big event.

Story of Different People
Watch and Enjoy the London Olympics 2012

All of the participants especially the athletes who would be representing their countries have so much to share. Aside from activities, and other exciting events that will happen from day 1 wherein various opinions, and comments may be heard from the hosts, over the news, and from the spectators themselves. Nonetheless, majority of which are the introduction of the participating countries especially their chosen athletes for specific fields.

The Progress of the Current Champions
Watch and Enjoy the London Olympics 2012

Those who have won on the last Olympics will have their share on this event. It will be shown their progress and growth since the last time that they got the title like on their professional career, personal lives, and as well with their families.

The British Band Elbow
Watch and Enjoy the London Olympics 2012

They did compose the theme for Olympics 2012 which will be sung by the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra as part of the opening program in London. It is also be part of the pieces that will be sung as well by the London Community Gospel Choir.

It happens every four Years
Watch and Enjoy the London Olympics 2012

The last Olympics took place in Beijing China in 2008. This event is being looked forward most earnestly by the athletes who would be bringing pride and honor to their countries. Since it happens every four years, everyone is excited from leaders of the nations down to the common people who would be one of the spectators of the event. It symbolizes unity and harmony as well of the world because of this once in every 4 years gathering.

Arrival of thousand Athletes
Watch and Enjoy the London Olympics 2012

Yes, prior to the said event, there had been athletes who already arrived ahead of time and who have made early booking and reservation. Some of them came from Russia, Cuba, and other countries. Everyone is really excited because they have been preparing for them for the last four years.